Web Development - Projects

Personal Site for Collegiate Golfer

Photo of Austin Farrow
By: Austin Farrow
Posted on: March 21st, 2024


In an ever-evolving digital landscape, staying ahead means adopting to change. With this project, we embark on a journey to deliver exceptional websites that seamlessly blend innovation and functionality to enhance user experiences. It's worth noting that this website was developed for a close friend, who received a significantly discounted price for being a test dummy. While this project showcases our capabilities, we encourage potential clients/customers to explore our whole portfolio to ensure we're the perfect fit for their needs.

This project had only three real requirements, making it a straightforward process. These included building a page to list tournament dates with expandable details, incorporating a quote section to showcase words from Scott's swing coach, and adding a clickable thumbnail to a YouTube video on the homepage. Additionally, we went above and beyond by including a custom contact page with a form for easy communication. The image below showcases two main pages of the website.

Two screenshots of the ScottGlodowski.com website
Just as golf course architects design layouts to enhance the playing experience, website designers focus on UX to improve user satisfaction. Studies indicate that 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience, emphasizing the importance of creating intuitive, responsive, and user-friendly website designs.

The main goal of this website was to provide a convenient and easily accessible platform for users to view tournament dates and get in touch with Scott. Additionally, Scott aims to utilize the website for future marketing efforts and showcasing his golf abilities by adding further statistics and information about his play style.

"As a close friend of Austin and someone wanting to put together a website to help with recruiting and scheduling it was great to work with him to be able to create a simple but excellent looking website to help me do what I needed to do!" -Scott Glodowski

It's no doubt that even individuals can benefit from having a website of their own. Whether you're a Teacher looking to share teaching tips, a photographer showcasing your work, or an athlete like Scott seeking to provide up-to-date tournament information, having a personal website is invaluable. You don't need to be a business to carve out your own special place on the World Wide Web.


This project underscores the necessity of embracing change in the digital realm to remain relevant and competitive. By continuously evolving our website development practices, we position ourselves to meet the ever-changing needs and expectations of our clients in an increasingly dynamic online landscape.

At the heart of our approach lies a commitment to prioritizing user satisfaction. By focusing on intuitive design, responsive functionality, and seamless user experience, we ensure that our work at Ribbon Assets not only meets but also exceeds the expectations of our clients and their audiences.

Whether for personal expression or professional endeavors, having a website offers a gateway to unlocking one's full potential on the digital stage. From showcasing talents and expertise to facilitating connections with a global audience, the possibilities are limitless, reaffirming the value of having a dedicated online presence.

Photo of Austin Farrow
Austin Farrow
Founder & Developer, Ribbon Assets LLC
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